Ti has been instrumental in my skateboarding life, particularly the initial stages. He set up skateboarding events for the local community which I found my feet in, and he also gave me the opportunity to commentate at said events, which lead me to a path of communications and media related work. Ti was also always there down by the bowl with myself and many others pointing us in the right direction.

Noah Fuzi, sponsored skater, industry media guy

Ti has been an invaluable mentor, friend and coach over my past 11 years of skateboarding with him. From early days learning the basics all the way to international competition I have been able to rely on his insight and wealth of skateboarding knowledge to help myself grow as an athlete.

Lachlan Abbott, skate coach, renaissance man

Ti has always been a good example of giving back to the youth & skate community. The contests organised by Ti and the Bondi Skateriders Club were my first comps and some of my favourite childhood memories, as they were always fun and had great energy.
Running an event isn’t easy and I always remembered thinking how could he organise it all, judge them, and still talk to me & others and tell me a trick I did was sick, which he didn’t have to but always remembered his engagement to actual skateboarding.

With years of experience skating himself, competing to judging, and watching a lot of skaters evolve & improve, I back Ti and his knowledge of coaching & mentoring skaters.

Dylan Donnini, sponsored skater, skate coach, designer